Bryan & the Boys at Tuacahn

Mandy & Boys at Tuacahn

Bridge put his own hat and goggles on, he's ready to ride!

Tyler, Braxton and Kaden relaxin for a minute

Ty making it up the big hill- 1st try!

Kadens 2nd or 3rd try - almost made it!

Kado finally made it! We were so proud of him!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas comes early!

So today Tyler and Kaden woke up and saw all the snow, and they were so excited. One of the first things that Ty asked Bryan was if he could ride his snowmachine. The boys got a little Polaris for Christmas last year, and they loved it. Bryan told Tyler that he couldn't get it started the other day when he got it out of storage, and that he needed to take it to the shop and have it looked at. Well, about an hour later, Bryan Ty and Kaden left for the snowmachine shop.  They were gone for over 4 hours..... which usually means trouble. I finally called Bry and he said they were on their way home, and that they had bought a new snowmachine. Tyler had been asking Bryan to get his worked on so it would go faster (typical Tyler)...... so they just bought a new one that already had the mods done. Bryan proceeded to tell me that he was going to trade the old one in on the new one, but then Ty and Kaden would just fight over the 1. Now we have 2! It worked out great because now Kaden can ride the slower one, and Tyler can ride the faster one. As soon as they got home they put on their snow clothes and were off. Tyler was such a good brother, he slowed down long enough to give Jackson a rider for a few minutes. Guess I can take back the other presents that I already bought???...... yeah right  my kids are spoiled!

Monday, November 24, 2008

OK... now that I am on vacation I have actually had some time to fix my blog, and add some new stuff. We got here on Wednesday - actually by the time we got into our condo it was 1:15 am on Thursday... anyway, we have been having a lot of fun. Bryan went riding with some of his friends who were here from Monteview/mudlake, and I took the kids to the park, and just hung out for a couple of days. Friday evening Mike and Steph got here and we went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Saturday we took the jeep, and they took their Rhino out to our favorite spot to do some riding. It was a super nice day, sunny and about 60 degrees. The kids had so much fun playing with their friends, hiking up the rocks, and finding little caves to hide in. Sunday we decided to go to Zions Canyon. I am the only person who had been there, so it was fun to take my family to see what I had been able to see when I was little. It was beautiful. We got out and hiked up this really big rock hill. The kids loved the mile long tunnel that you get to go through. It's pretty cool. Who knows what we have in store for today.... but I'm sure it will be fun.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I Love this time of year! I love the fall colors, and the cooler weather, and I love Halloween. We only go trick-or-treating to a few of our friends and family, and don't overload on the candy, but the kids have fun. THis year Ty was s mummy, Kaden was Superman and Jackson was Batman. At the Family Halloween party last weekend, Bry and I also dressed up - as disco mom and pop. It was a lot of fun. I put some pictures below all the posts. I really need to redo my layout!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm It.... again

My friend Jeni tagged me - this one was fun. You open up your "my pictures" folder, go to the 4th folder, and find the 4th picture in that folder. This is the picture. It's of Jackson when he was about 8 months old. He's asleep on his Grandpa Ivans lap. This is the cutest picture because Jacksons middle name is Ivan, and he looks just like his grandpa, right on down to his bowl legged legs, just like his grandpa. It's fun to look back and see your little ones before they were not so little!
Now I tag: Cindy Lou, Shelly, Ashley and Sommer

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Eight - Eight - Eight
Eight TV Shows I Love to Watch
1: Grays Anatomy
2: The Unit
3: Top Gear (show about really cool cars with 3 hillarious hosts!)
4: Private Practice
5: Chuck
6: Dancing with the Stars
7: Dora
8: Bob The Builder

8 Things That Happenend Yesterday
1: Took Jackson to Dr. for 2 yr old checkup and shots
2: Picked up kids from school
3: Rode Motorcycles with my boys
4: Went to the Bank
5: Read books and played Blukus with the boys
6: Got Pizza for dinner
7: Who knows .... it's all a blur
8: Woke up in the middle of the nite because a stink bug (literally) was in our bed.

8 Favorite Places to Eat(Not in any particular order)
1: Pasta Factory (St. George)
2: Paulas Mexican Cantina (St. George)
3: Olive Garden
4: Outback
5: Texas Roadhouse
6: Mrs. Powells
7: Snake Bite
8: Fiesta Ole??

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1: SLC trip with girlfriends on Friday
2: Cindy coming up to Idaho
3: Going to Mexico in January
4: Going to St. George for Thanksgiving
5: Putting the boys to bed for some peace and quest
6: My house to someday stay clean for more than 5 minutes
7: Gettin my office organized
8: Warmer weather again

8 Things on My Wish List
1: Mercedes C-63 MG (ha ha!)
2: BMW M-5 (lets be realistic!)
3: My house staying clean
4: a better economy
5: A new wardrobe
6: A bedrom set
7: my basement to be finished
8: Did I mention a full night of sleep? - yes that would be nice too!

8 People I Tag
1: Shelley
2: Sandy
3: Debbie
4: Stephanie
5: Kristin
6: Sommer
7: Ashley
8: Becca

Friday, September 19, 2008

Update on Teddy Jo

Teddy came out of her surgery fine on Wednesday. They were able to bypass ICU and take her directly to her room. She has been on a steady dose of pain meds, that are making her sleepy. They won't let her eat anything, until atleast tonight, or maybe tomorrow. The Dr's want to make sure her insides are coping with the surgery before they introduce food back into her system. So far she is being a trooper! I am trying to work it out so I can leave Saturday afternoon, and head down to spend some time with them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Niece

For those of you who don't know, my sisters 6 month old baby girl Teddy Jo was diagnosed with cancer about 1 month ago. They have been going back and forth to Primary Childrens for various tests to find out if it has spread into any other parts of her body. She has done a couple of MRI's a lot of blood tests and a bone marrow tap. All the tests came back with the same result, that it had not spread from her adrenal gland. They scheduled her for surgery to take out the tumor - she is in the operating room right now. My sister just called and said the doctor came out and informed them that the tumor had "fingers" and such that had spread into her kidney. He told them they could leave the kidney and do chemo to try to shrink them, but if it didn't work they would have to do another surgery to take out the kidney. The doctor told them that if it were his daughter, that he would take out the kidney now. Cindy and her husband decided that was the best option. I asked her if people with 1 kidney have any long term effects, and she said no, but that Teddy wouldn't be able to play any contact sports, such as football. Darn!
We are all praying for our dear little Teddy Jo. She is such a sweet sweet baby girl and we love her so much! My only wish is that they lived closer (Neola, UT) so that I could squeeze and kiss her more!
I'll update everyone again when she is out of surgery. She will be in the hospital for at least a week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Marker mania

Jackson has a recent fascination with coloring. The other night, he snuck into the office, and found a sharpie. A few minutes later he came walking out of his room and said very proudly "I color mommy!" He was so proud of himself. If was permanent black marker - all over his tummy. The best part was that he had put one of his shoes on, and his hat on backwards. He looked like a little punk. By the time I found my camera, he realized that he was in trouble, and didn't want his picture taken. He is a marker finding fool - he keeps finding them, and I don't know where he is getting them! He has since colored his leg and arm. Maybe he'll be an artist when he grows up.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The boys had their first day of school today. They were very excited. I think Kaden was most excited about wearing his new shoes that I hadn't let him wear for a month now! When I picked Kaden up after school he said he had a fun time and met some new friends, but he didn't know their names! His class is full, which means about 20 students. He has 2 teachers and an intern. Tyler only has 5 kids in his class, and they are all boys. I like that their school has smaller class sizes. The kids get so much more 1 on 1 time from their teacher.
Now we have to get back on our schedule, and Jackson and I need to figure out what to do with our 3 hours a day with no older brothers. Too bad the mall doesn't open until 10am!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Well - I finally did it! Our family now has a blog. I can't promise that I will be kept up to date, but hey it's the thought that counts. I keep thinking that things are going to slow down as summer winds down, but it only seems to be getting busier.
Tyler and Kaden start school on Thursday. Ty will be in the 1st grade and Kaden will go to preschool. They go to school at Lighthouse Montessori in Idaho Falls. IT is such a wonderful school, we love it. The kids can't wait to get back. They went to "Summer Safari" at the school 2 days a week during the summer, and had so much fun. Ty's class took a lot of really fun field trips, and Kaden's class had a waterday every Wednesday. They loved it! That just leaves me and Jackson at home.
Bryan and I are so busy trying to keep up with the business. I am trying to keep the office in order. Bryan is trying to keep all the jobs going, and all the guys lined out. Somedays it's really crazy.