Bryan & the Boys at Tuacahn

Mandy & Boys at Tuacahn

Bridge put his own hat and goggles on, he's ready to ride!

Tyler, Braxton and Kaden relaxin for a minute

Ty making it up the big hill- 1st try!

Kadens 2nd or 3rd try - almost made it!

Kado finally made it! We were so proud of him!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Update on Teddy Jo

Teddy came out of her surgery fine on Wednesday. They were able to bypass ICU and take her directly to her room. She has been on a steady dose of pain meds, that are making her sleepy. They won't let her eat anything, until atleast tonight, or maybe tomorrow. The Dr's want to make sure her insides are coping with the surgery before they introduce food back into her system. So far she is being a trooper! I am trying to work it out so I can leave Saturday afternoon, and head down to spend some time with them.


Houk Family said...

I am so sorry to hear about your niece. She is such a cutie!! I am sure with all of the prayer and blessing she will make it through!! Priesthood blessings are a true miracle!!-KIM

Shelly Elizondo said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going well. Cindy and Grizz are great parents and I can't imagin how hard this must be for them. We are praying for them every day1

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you had a blog but i'm glad I found you! We just went and saw Teddy Jo today. Cindy showed me the pictures she had done of her in Idaho Falls and said you picked out all the cloths. They are so cute!

Unknown said...

Hey, I didn't know you had a blog. I am glad I found you via facebook. I had no idea Cindy's baby girl had cancer. Is she okay? It is amazing what some parents have to endure, not to mention their little ones.