Bridger Ray Landon was born on Thursday afternoon at 4:56 p.m. He weighs 6 lbs 15 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. He was by far my easiest birth! Probably due to his small size and small head, at least compared to my other boys! He is doing great, and hasn't even cried since he first came into this world. His first act of love was to pee all over me as soon as they set him on my stomach! Typical boy. He has his own look, just like all my boys and doesn't look too much like 1 particular person. We came home today at noon, and he still hasn't made a peep. Tyler, Kaden and Jackson love him so much already. They wont stop fighting over who gets to hold him next! I've been surprised how attached Jackson is to the baby already. I thought he wouldn't want much to do with a new baby, but he has done great.
Thanks to all those friends and family who came to meet Bridger in the hospital, we appreciate it.
We are so happy to have this beautiful helathy little boy join our family, and look forward to all the new memories that he will give us.
christmas tree hunt 2013
11 years ago
He is so cute. I am so happy he is here now. Congratulations!!!
He is so handsome! You guys are so lucky to have 4 handsome, healthy boys. I can't wait to hold and snuggle him again. By the way, I love his name.
COngrats! So glad that he is here and you are all doing well!
Congrats! Becky and I were wondering yesterday if your little guy was here yet! So happy all went well, and I love that name!! Take Care:)
I cant wait to see him again. He is adorable. Thanks for posting pictures of him. I love showing off my grandkids to my friends.
What a sweet boy. My kids ask me every day if we can go and see him. I am glad all is well.
Congratulations love you guys so much. We are so glad he is here and healthy and that you are doing so good to.
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